Multiple users with one license or one subscription
You can have an unlimited number of users with a single license. The number of cameras and security devices, on the other hand, is proportional to the number of licenses required. To be more specific, one license contains the following: 8 cameras and ...
Parking zones
The Zones tab can be used to separate large parking lots into smaller lots. The parking lot is split into two zones (Default Zone and Handicap Zone) by default. It is possible to add different products and set tariffs for each zone. Clicking Add new ...
Parking lot
The Parking lot tab shows the list of all added parking lots and allows adding and deleting lots. The Parking lot tab opens the Parking lot page allowing control of products and zones, as well as access to the ANPR system. To add a new parking lot, ...
ANPR access
The ANPR Access tab gives control over all the license plates that have access to the parking lot. It is possible to: Filter license plates by the status (Active or Expired) Search the lot to see a specific license plate and duration of shared access ...
Pending access
The Pending Access tab is used to access all previously shared keys to resend keys or block them. It is possible to send or block multiple keys at once. Click the key to block or resend them. It is also possible to filter shared keys based on their ...
Shared access and digital key
The Shared access tab is used to share keys and weblinks. It is also possible to provide access to new vehicles by entering their license plate numbers into the database. To go to the Shared access tab, go to the Parking lot tab and choose the ...
Adding devices to PMS - Gateway
To add any Parklio device it is necessary to add Gateway to PMS. Through Gateway you can control Parklio Barrier, Chain, Gate and Bollard devices. Important! All devices are added through Parklio Connect mobile App Please keep in mind that the ...
How to change password for PMS
To edit profiles while logged into PMS, click on the icon displaying your profile name in the top right corner. Next, select 'User Settings' to access the 'Manage Profile' tab, which includes 'User Profile' and 'User Security' sub-tabs. The User ...
Assigned Parking Managers for Parking lot
Parking Managers need to be assigned to the Parking Lot so they may administer it. To do so, follow the steps: Select the Parking Lot where the Parking Manager will be added. Click the Parking Lot link in the navigation and after Parking Managers ...
PMS licenses
The licenses page provides users with valuable insights to optimize their licensing configurations, displaying the products that have already been added to the account and the maximum number of products that are available to add. Clients usually ...
PMS start instructions
Once users have requested access to the PMS, the Parklio team will send an invitation email to them. The Get Started button redirects you to the PMS website. Choose a password to use for future logins When you successfully log in to PMS your ...
Shared key problem - CAN’T LOGIN OR NO KEY
Determine to whom the digital key was sent and from where: Connect users: Click on the device of the Shared Key. Click on the Options icon in the top right corner. Click on the Shared digital keys link. Check if the key is shared in the Invitation ...
PMS roles - Parking managers
The Parking Managers page contains the list of all managers in the Parking Management System. It is possible to edit Manager information from the list or remove them from the System. Managers have different roles: • Operator – Adding products to PMS, ...
PMS sign up requires an invite from the Parklio internal PMS as shown in User Manual. If it is a PMS account, on the Parklio Internal Dashboard support can check your status. The Pending Managers (invitation lasts for 48h and then you need to resend ...
Unable to login in App
If you can not log in into your account on Parklio mobile App there are few possibilities: 1, You haven't created account 2. You have created account but your e-mail or password don't match Solution: 1. Please check your e-mail and try to create ...
RTCC Warning
If client gets RTCC warning in PMS like on picture: That means client probably disconnected battery from barrier to recharge it and return it back without connecting to barrier over Parklio App. This signals time and date not set for barrier. To ...