Solar Gate - Display and function buttons

Solar Gate - Display and function buttons

 Returns to the display of the MENU page / moves the cursor upwards to select the MENU
  Moves forwards with the display of the MENU page / moves the cursor downwards to select the MENU option
ENTER - Enters the MENU, displaying the cursor on the first option; by pressing it again, it enters the option, allowing to modify it
ESC - Exit from the menu / previous level / saving the set value
+ - Value increase
Value decrease

When the display is not lit up, press any of the keys around it to reactivate the back-lighting; when it is already lit up, press a key to navigate the menus and activate automatic switch-off after 60 seconds.

If the display switches off (standby), press the up and down arrows for 5 seconds to reactivate it; the image will appear again on the LCD display.

WARNING: avoid disconnecting and reconnecting the power supply, as this will cause the battery charge status information to be lost (and only recovered at the end of a complete charging cycle)!
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