Range of Bluetooth for Barriers
The barrier uses Bluetooth Low Energy to communicate with your smartphone. Typical range is 100 metres but in normal urban conditions it ranges around 30 m - 50 m.
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Weak Bluetooth signal
If the barrier can only be operated from a short distance, deliver a photo of the antenna. Clean the laser with a non-abrasive cleaning solution and try again. You can create ticket on our support page or directly contact support@parklio.com
Condensation/water inside solar panel
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Is a more detailed error during key exchange. Mostly, it happens when Bluetooth gets an error. Most frequently, it is caused by a weak battery or a defective or badly connected antenna. A bad Bluetooth signal may also be the cause of this error.
Adding Barrier to Connect app
To add barrier to Connect App: 1. Turn on Location, Bluetooth and mobile data 2. Open App 3. Press + in top right corner 4. Tap on barrier you want to add 5. Barrier will connect and will be visible in My Parklios