The Parking Managers page contains the list of all managers in the Parking Management System. It is possible to edit Manager information from the list or remove them from the System. Managers have different roles: • Operator – Adding products to PMS, controlling the products and managing the parking lot only if they are assigned to the lot.
• Admin - Having the same operations as Operator, with the possibility of viewing reports and statistics of a parking lot. Admins can also add other Admin and Operators on the lots they are assigned.
• Super Admins - Not having any restriction within the PMS. Available options are viewing, managing, editing and deleting everything in the system. It is not possible to delete yourself as a Super Admin, but another Super Admin is allowed to do it. Super Admins are assigned to all Parking Lots by default.
Parking Managers need to be assigned to the Parking Lot so they may administer it.
To do so, follow the steps:
• Select the Parking Lot where the Parking Manager will be added.
• Click the Parking Lot link in the navigation and after Parking Managers link located in the dropdown menu.
• There will be a list of the Parking Managers who have been assigned to that Parking Lot.
• Click the "Parking Managers" button and a list of all Managers in the System will appear. It is possible to choose the user in charge of control of that Parking Lot.
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