Enabling and disabling the pre-flashing, photocell test and the multi-user function

Enabling and disabling the pre-flashing, photocell test and the multi-user function

To modify the status of any of these functions it is necessary to enable the setting mode. In the phase of learning the control unit automatically goes through all possible functions in which it is possible to intervene. The led of the f lashing light signals the selected function each time with a variable number of flashings. The passage from a function to another one is executed automatically (it is enough to maintain always pressed the red button). The control unit starts selecting the first function (signaled by 1 flashing), successively, keeping pressed the red button you pass at the second function ( signaled by 2 flashings) and so on. To enable the setting / learning mode proceed as follows:

  1.  Raise the chain to its upper position (completely closed).
  2. Press and keep pressed the red button
  3.  After 4 - 5 seconds the led of the flashing - light executes a series of 8 flashings (notifying the next entry to the learning mode). Once the series of flashings end the control unit is in the learning mode. Do not release the red button yet.
  4. Once individualized (through the number of flashings of the flashing-light led) the function that you want to modify, release the red button. This way the function is selected. Once selected the function, the control unit puts in evidence the setting by flashing with a slow frequency ( 1 flashing /second) or with a rapid frequency ( 2 flashings / second) as pointed out on the next table:

Press now the button ( see table) correspondent to the new status you wish set for the selected function. The frequency of flashing will vary ac- cording to the chosen mode. At this point it is possible to modify further functions or, if you have finished, go out from the setting phase. In case you want to modify other functions, press and keep pressed the red button. After few seconds, the control unit will start again to select in sequence the several functions. Instead if you want to exit from the learning mode, it is sufficient to bring the lever of the selector Sw1 in manual position, wait 1-2 sec and successively report it in automatic position. In this way, the control unit gets out of the learning mode and prepares itself for the normal functioning

6.1 Pre-flashing: The chain movement is always signalized by a pre-blinking, advising the user that the chain is next to move.

6.2 Multi-user function: During the opening phase of the chain, every other command is ignored. Once opened the chain (completely down, it is possible to close it using the step-by-step command or using the automatic re-closure. During the closing phase, a step-by-step command blocks and inverts the movement.

6.3 Photocell test: Every time the motor is switched on, the control unit automatically controls if the photocells are functioning properly. This operation increases the security system. If a photocell is damaged (for instance output relay stuck) or in case of undesired photocell input short circuit. This test is executed immediately after that the control unit has received an order of “moving“, but before power is applied to the motor.

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